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About Us

The San Diego County Substance Use and Overdose Prevention Taskforce (SUOPT) is a multi-disciplinary taskforce committed to reducing the harms of substance use through collaboration and coordination among community partners.


The Initiative hosts Quarterly Meetings to promote information sharing and collaboration among partners. In addition, the SUOPT has subcommittees focused on specific concerns within healthcare, education, community, and public safety.



  • Support physicians and pharmacists in implementing safe prescribing and prevention practices.


  • Develop and advocate for a Health Plan Community Standard.


  • Increase physician utilization of CURES, California's Prescription Drug Monitoring Program.


  • Support public health, hospitals, clinics, and private offices in promoting safe prescribing.


  • Promote One San Diego Vision for safe prescribing.


  • Educate community members on proper safe disposal of medications to protect the environment and prevent harms to others.


  • Participate and promote DEA Drug Take-Back days.


  • Development of resources for the public and health professionals to further promote safe disposal.

Healthcare Task Force

Safe Disposal

Prevention & Education

  • Educate community members about the dangers of opioid misuse.


  • Develop online resources for the public, providers, and patients and their families to access opioid use disorder treatment and alternative pain therapies.


  • Conduct outreach to stakeholders and policymakers on the local, state, and national levels regarding opioid issues.

  • Provide education and resources to communities and families regarding prevention, education and harm reduction strategies with a focus on the intersection between substance use and behavioral health.


  • Promote trauma-informed strategies and practices.


  • Engage professionals and community members  through workshops, community events, material dissemination, and social media.

Community Resilience 

Our Mission

Community Response to Drug Overdose (CReDO)

  • Educate community members about the dangers of opioid misuse.


  • Develop online resources for the public, providers, and patients and their families to access opioid use disorder treatment and alternative pain therapies.


  • Conduct outreach to stakeholders and policymakers on the local, state, and national levels regarding opioid issues.


PDF - CReDO Committee Overview

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